Tag Archives: fanfiction

Boldly Going: “Coda”

The USS Voyager is the only Federation ship in the Delta Quadrant and Captain Kathryn Janeway’s primary mission is to get her crew back home. Along the way they’ve explored new worlds. Unfortunately, most of the aliens they encounter are hostile. Still two years into their journey, the crew is in high spirits for the most part. They have begun to bond outside of work. More often than not, the crew gathers on the holodeck, a virtual reality room that can be programed to recreate any place real or imaginary.

In the beginning of “Coda,” Neelix and Janeway talk about how well talent night went the evening before. During a shuttle trip, Chakotay points out that Kathryn’s ballet act was the highlight. She goads him into signing up for the next one before detecting surprise turbulence. The two struggle to land the shuttlecraft and Janeway is severely injured in the crash. The Vidiians, a hostile race of organ harvesters from Season 1 and 2, surround Chakotay and Janeway. They shoot the commander and strangle the captain.

Commander Chakotay and Captain Janeway in their shuttle

Continue reading Boldly Going: “Coda”

Fanfics are the New Black

So it’s officially been two weeks since Orange is the New Black premiered on Netflix, which probably means, if you’re a fan, you’ve binge-watched all of it already like I have. If you’re missing the show, still having feels from the ending of the season, or feeling jealous of all those pictures from Orange Con, look no further. I’ve found some Fan Fictions you can read to put yourself back into Litchfield Prison.

Continue reading Fanfics are the New Black

Dopplegänger Fan Fiction

choThe Vampire Diaries fandom got some shocking news this past week when Nina Dobrev announced she would not be returning to the series following the end of the current season. Due to this announcement, I decided to find some short fan fiction stories about Nina’s characters.

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Two Can Keep a Secret if None of them are A: Fan Theories of the Past

When picking what to write about for fan fiction this week, I wanted to talk about Pretty Little Liars because of the Big A reveal. I then realized that largest source of fan fiction is really fan theories because in a way they are fiction until they become canon. In honor of the Big A reveal last Tuesday in the season finale of Pretty Little Liars, I decided to go back and look at some of the people that the fans have speculated to have been A. If you haven’t seen this season’s finale, then I suggest you watch it before reading this.

If you did watch it then: below I looked at people who many fans have thought were A in the past but now that we know that A is ChArles we know these characters cannot be.

Continue reading Two Can Keep a Secret if None of them are A: Fan Theories of the Past

Fan Fiction Writers are What We Need!

I recently saw a post on tumblr that talked about why a lot of fan fiction focuses on LBGT relationships and that it was related to the idea that the minorities of writers and readers in fandoms are the ones who think more in terms of world expansion than world knowledge of their fandoms. This got me to thinking a lot about fan fiction and actual published works. There is definitely a lack of LBGT and POC main characters in many genres of fiction and so people take to fan fiction to create pairings or new characters. In actuality those people who write fan fiction and feel that there aren’t characters they can relate to, should write their own fiction.

Continue reading Fan Fiction Writers are What We Need!

The Ship I love to Read: My Fan Fiction Guilty Pleasure

I have to admit that I’m a victim of cannon couples. I tend to only like couples that are cannon, have been cannon, or are cannon endgame. However, there is an exception to this. There is one ship that I will read fan fiction about. One ship that is not cannon, and while it has mixed feelings, I read one fan fiction and nothing would ever be the same.
These fan fictions I read are… Dramione fan fictions. If you aren’t familiar with ship names or with Harry Potter, Dramione is Draco and Hermione’s ship name. I want to preface this by saying I still ship Ron and Hermione. I read Ron and Hermione fan fiction as well. I just find a very interesting story when it comes to Draco and Hermione.

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Melissa Reads: Fan Fiction

When I find myself in times of anxiety, fan fiction calms me. Reading awkward stories. Let me read.


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Fanfiction and Archive of Our Own: An Interview with Dr. Francesca Coppa, AO3 Co-founder

By Allison Bloechl

Daily geekette co-editor-in-chief Sarah Wanger and I got a chance to sit down and talk with one of AO3’s cofounders, Dr. Francesca Coppa of Muhlenberg College. We talked about how the site was formed and how it is changing, the importance of fanfiction, its values, and its impacts.

Continue reading Fanfiction and Archive of Our Own: An Interview with Dr. Francesca Coppa, AO3 Co-founder