Editorial Staff

Sarah Wanger Sarah Wanger – (Co-Editor-in-Chief)

Sarah has been a self-proclaimed geek since her obsession with musical theatre began at the age of 11. Since then, she has expanded her geekdom horizons to include television and movies, books and comics, costumes and cosplay, as well as people in general. Her current obsessions include Sense8, coloring, Tamora Pierce, and Neil Gaiman. Having majored in Theatre and English in college, Sarah was drawn to her school’s costume shop, where she was given the name “Sassy,” and worked to make costumes, both for productions and for her own cosplaying fun. Sarah loves geeky and nerdy people. Also, she’s a bit too obsessed with bunnies for her own good.

Special thanks to her cousin David who came up with the name for the site!

Dalin Rowell –  (Co-Editor-in-Cheif) 418659_1919110061610_1615178325_n

Dalin Rowell is a Cinephile and Pop Culture fanatic from New York. Living in the bland suburbs, Dalin grew to have a fascination for all things magical and visually stunning. Dalin later took this love into getting an education, and got herself an undergrad in Video Production. She’s now got her sights on reaching for her ultimate goal of becoming a Film Critic and Historian and working for The Disney Archives. While Film is her main passion, Dalin is also a huge Japanese Street Fashion lover and has been involved in specifically Lolita Fashion for more than 5 years and counting! But the burning question, what is Dalin’s favorite movie of all time? For her, it’s a toss between Phantom of the Paradise and Sunset Boulevard, but in a month that will probably change.

Kayla Farber – (Co-Editor-in-Chief) 1238319_10201002994140279_578737170_n

Kayla Farber was started on her path to geekdom at a very early age. She had been to six Star Trek conventions before she was five years old, and knew all the words to Les Miserables before she knew the alphabet. It was inevitable she would develop an obsessive personality and a passion for costumes and conventions. Kayla is really into steampunk, theater, reading, Disney, Whedon, and many other fandoms. She can be found at most steampunk conventions in New England and on the east coast, usually dressed as Belle. Kayla is studying to be a Special Education English teacher so she can torture adolescents with good literature five days a week. She currently runs a tumblr blog called IEatLiteratureForBreakfast on her love of books, and more specifically folklore and fairy tales. In her spare time, she plays with alpacas and runs tech for community theater.

Megan Gianniny(Co-Editor-in-Chief)Senior Portrait copy

Megan grew up watching shows like Xena, Stargate SG-1, Star Trek: Next Generation, and has never looked back. She considers herself interchangeably a geek or a nerd, and can’t really remember a time when that wasn’t the case. Her interests include many sci-fi/fantasy television shows, European historical trivia, and YA fiction. Megan is a graduate of Scripps College, with a major in Gender and Women’s Studies and a Dance minor. Her senior thesis was entitled “Other Than Dead”: Queering Vampires in  Buffy the Vampire SlayerInterview with the Vampire, and The Gilda Stories . She is currently enrolled in a low-residency MFA program and planning to concentrate in YA fiction. You can find her ramblings  on twitter here.

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