Tag Archives: chris evans

Dalin’s D23 Expo Report Part 2 – Live Action Movie Presentation – Marvel Section

Welcome back to the next installment of my report from D23 Expo 2015! Last time, we took a trip down nostalgia lane and looked at the Goofy Movie 20th Anniversary Panel. This time, we’re going to take a look at the highly anticipated Live Action movie panel. So prepare for some epic news y’all, it’s gonna be good, trust me.

D23 EXPO 2015 - D23 EXPO, the ultimate Disney fan event, brings together all the past, present and future of Disney entertainment under one roof. Taking place August 14-16, this year marks the fourth D23 EXPO at the Anaheim Convention Center and promises to be the biggest and most spectacular yet. (Disney/Image Group LA) KEVIN FEIGE

Continue reading Dalin’s D23 Expo Report Part 2 – Live Action Movie Presentation – Marvel Section

Black Widow and the Hulk Flip the Sexist Interview on its Head

Coming off of the fiasco that was the interview with Jeremy Renner and Chris Evans, the Avengers: Age of Ultron press tour has been saved thanks to the heroics of Black Widow and the Hulk.

In an interview with UK Cosmo, Mark Ruffalo is asked to answer the questions that Scarlett Johansson is usually asked in interviews, and vice versa. Hilarity ensues as Ruffalo struggles to, “embrace [his] feminine side,” and describe what poses he is going to strike on the red carpet and what kind of makeup remover he uses to get his green Hulk face off.

On the other side, ScarJo gets to answer whether or not she does her own stunts, and what she likes about playing Black Widow. We even learn about her stunt woman, Heidi Moneymaker, and how they worked together to make Natasha a more rounded out character.

Continue reading Black Widow and the Hulk Flip the Sexist Interview on its Head

When is a Joke not a Joke? Why We Got Upset that Black Widow Was Called a “Slut”

Avengers_Black_WidowAvengers cast members Jeremy Renner and Chris Evans made news today for an interview in which they called Black Widow’s character a “whore” and a “slut.” Of course, the internet exploded with many fans expressing their disappointment in these two actor’s misogynistic behavior and many others reproaching the offended for being over-sensitive. The actors have since issued apologies, but as we know, an apology doesn’t always close the case. Continue reading When is a Joke not a Joke? Why We Got Upset that Black Widow Was Called a “Slut”

‘No Place for Any of Us’: Age of Ultron Trailer 2

“This vulnerable world needs something more powerful than any of us.”

It’s not as catchy or menacing as Ultron’s “there are no strings on me,” but hey, it gets the point across. Even though any AoU release is going to rouse excitement, this trailer dropped like a feather pillow rather than the ton of bricks that trailer #1 did. In-between shots of terrified civilians running for their lives, we get Hawkeye arm porn, which is apparently so scandalous since the next time we see him he’s all covered up in practical gear. Not sure why, considering he’s chillaxing in the forest while things explode. Other highlights include Hulk playing soccer with a cop car, some frightening peeks at Natasha’s backstory, Andy Serkis doing who the hell knows what, lots of car damage, Black Widow hair porn, and HULKBUSTER ARMOR IN ALL ITS GLORY. *cue fan drooling* It’s a nice change from the last trailer where we saw Hulk giving it a beatdown.

Some of the footage is similar, albeit in a different order, but the new stuff does raise a few questions:

Continue reading ‘No Place for Any of Us’: Age of Ultron Trailer 2