Luna Lovegood and the Beauty of Being Weird

Luna-Lovegood-luna-lovegood-22387019-1920-1080I have literally too many Harry Potter memories to count.  I had friendships bound together in large part by dressing up and attending midnight movie premieres and book releases.  Early in my high school years, when I finally gave in to prompting and actually picked up the books, they helped me through some really difficult times, times when it was nearly impossible for me to get along in the real world and functionally deal with actual human beings.  It offered me a retreat and a host of wonderful fictional friends, my favorite of which always has been and always will be Luna Lovegood.

Luna’s not always overlooked.  She has a pretty devoted following, but I’m not sure she is fully appreciated for how awesome she is, and she is awesome.  She may not be as fierce as Harry or as brilliant as Hermione, but she has a unique magic and beauty.  I love Luna because in a lot of ways I am Luna and in even more ways I wish I could be more like her.

My favorite thing about Luna is her wonderful weirdness.  Right along with that is the factLuna_Lovegood that she’s completely comfortable with herself.  She believes what she believes and likes what she likes without making apologies for it.  She never tries to change to fit in or hide who she is so people will like her; if she’s looking for Nargles then she’ll happily tell you about it.  She’s also willing to share herself with others, really let other people in, in a way that is both sweet and innocent.

That’s one of those things that makes Luna a great role model.  I know I’m weird, but I think most people deep down are more than a little strange.  It’s just that everyone puts on a mask to try to fit in.  Everyone fears being mocked and rejected.  I spent a lot of my childhood trying to fit in.  It wasn’t until adulthood that I really decided that it was more important to be liked for who I am than who I am pretending to be.  Luna Lovegood had that kind of courage, the courage to put your true face forward, as a child and a teenager, at a point in life when it is the absolute most difficult.  That sort of courage makes her one of my favorite fictional characters because I want that kind of courage.tumblr_lot3uzsZb61qc7dufo1_500

Luna’s so many other wonderful things as well.  She’s brilliant, but quirky, like an eccentric genius, brave in the face of danger, loyal to her friends, and unflinchingly honest.  She’s the character I would most want to be friends with.  Just the depth and honor Rowling created in her protagonists, the real humanity complete with flaws, make me love Harry Potter and his universe so much.  I’m kind of sad and nostalgic for those days when I did have midnight releases to go to and my favorite fictional universe to obsess over with my friends.  Writing this, I think it’s time I visit them in their paper universe.  Share some of your favorite Harry Potter memories and favorite characters in the comments below.

5 thoughts on “Luna Lovegood and the Beauty of Being Weird

  1. I always saw myself as Luna. I think it’s because I’ve got quirks and strange interests, and that put me on the fringe in my muggle high school. Then when Luna came along, she was on the fringe in the wizard world, and still managed to have the greatest friends be uniquely her. I think that played a large part in me being okay with myself.

  2. I thought luna was a cool chick. Had I been at Hogwarts we would have either been close friends or dated. She is very honest and love her quirks; truly an original. And a good female role in the books no damsel in distress at all

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