Tag Archives: Asgard

“Thor: The Goddess of Thunder”: BOOM! CLAP! The Sound of HER heart!


Spoiler Alert!

Ok, so I’m willing to bet most of you have heard about the big upset in the Marvel Universe by now: a woman has taken up Thor’s mantle. She’s not Lady Thor or Thorina. She is Thor the Goddess of Thunder. She wields the hammer,the moniker and all that comes with it. Despite a lot of male fans being upset over this, the series is going strong with a killer plot arc to boot, which explores her rise to power and the Odinson coping with his loss of identity. Though I am not usually a fan of the Thor solo series, I couldn’t put the first five issues of this amazing comic down. Let’s take a look at Thor the Goddess’ story, and how it overlaps with that of Thor the….Shirtless, I guess.

Buckle up, readers. It’s hammer time!

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